Spanish Fine Art – Oil Pastel On Paper – Encuentro (Meeting)


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Encuentro (Meeting), fine art painting (unframed, oil pastel on paper), dated 2021, painting by Amelia Rodriguez Villagarcia, Spanish Artist, Spain.


Encuentro (Meeting), painting (unframed, oil pastel on paper), dated 2021, painting by Amelia Rodriguez Villagarcia, Spanish Artist, Spain.

“This work stems from the restrictions/confinement associated with COVID, the need to reconnect with close people and the feelings I have with all others who have been isolated and unable to hug their loved ones.

 Esta obra la cree a partir de mi confinamiento por el COVID, por la necesidad que me surgía de reencontrarme con la gente cercana y pensando en todas aquellas personas que habían quedado aislados/as sin poder abrazar a sus seres queridos.”- Amelia Rodriguez Villagarcia

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Spanish Fine Art - Oil Pastel On Paper - Encuentro (Meeting)


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