British Fine Art – Oil Paintings – Prairie


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Prairie, fine art painting (unframed, oil), dated 2020, Painting by Steve Neal, British Artist, United Kingdom.

Prairie, painting (unframed, oil), dated 2020, Painting by Steve Neal, British Artist, United Kingdom

Approximate dimensions/weight: 30.5cm x 61cm, 2Kg

Globalchocostore – Connecting the World with Chocolates, Art & Love

(Please note, this particular painting shown in here has been sold out but a copy can be purchased and reproduced. The new painting can be completed and shipped within four to six weeks of purchase. The new reproduced painting may not be 100% identical as that shown).

Additional information

Weight 2500.0 g

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Prairie | Fine Art Oil Paintings | Globalchocostore

British Fine Art - Oil Paintings - Prairie


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