Multi Stone Necklace From Saudi Arabia


Sold By: G-KSA.01

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This multi stone necklace from globalchocostore includes Malachite, “Aqeeq” or “Agate” and Eurythyste which are all gemstones that are popularly used in jewelry-making, including necklaces.


This multi stone necklace includes Malachite, “Aqeeq” or “Agate” and Eurythyste which are all gemstones that are popularly used in jewelry-making, including necklaces.

Malachite is a green-colored stone that has been used since ancient times for its beauty and healing properties. It is believed to help promote emotional balance and abundance, and is commonly found in necklaces, pendants, and bracelets. Some people also believe that wearing malachite can help with physical ailments such as arthritis and liver problems.

“Aqeeq” or “Agate,” which is a type of stone that is often used in the making of jewelry. Aqeeq stones are believed to have spiritual significance in certain cultures, and they also come in various colors and patterns, making them popular for decorative and ornamental purposes.

Eurythyste is a purple-colored stone that is associated with spiritual and psychological healing. It is believed to boost intuition and psychic abilities, and is often used in meditation and healing practices. Eurythyste is frequently found in necklaces, pendants, and bracelets, and is popular among those who seek spiritual and emotional balance.

When it comes to making necklaces with these gemstones, they are often combined with other materials such as silver or gold to create a unique and beautiful piece of jewelry. The stones can be set in a variety of ways – some are simply strung on a chain or cord, while others are set in elaborate designs with intricate metalwork. The possibilities are truly endless, and the result is a stunning piece of jewelry that can be worn and enjoyed for years to come.

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Multi Stone Necklace From Saudi Arabia


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