British Art -Markers, Photography Collage -Transfusion #0


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Transfusion #0, British art, fine art painting (unframed, markers, photography collage on cardboard), dated 2020, Painting by Ana Maria Gower, Serbian British Artist, United States. Approximate dimensions/weight: 23x23cm, 5.2kg. Globalchocostore – Connecting the World with Chocolates, Art & Love. Selling Worldwide.

Transfusion #0, British art, fine art painting (unframed, markers, photography collage on cardboard), dated 2020, Painting by Ana Maria Gower, Serbian British Artist, United States.

Approximate dimensions/weight: 23x23cm, 5.2kg

“In order to better understand the directional property of lines, I turned to nature. For years, I was fascinated by branches of trees, especially their look against the evening sky, when details are blurred, but shape and vector remains. Branches always have a clear direction, looking at it we can see the whole path the tree has gone. In fact, tree branch at each moment combines the past and present. We can extend this path to the future.” – Ana Maria Gower

Globalchocostore – Connecting the World with Chocolates, Art & Love

Selling Worldwide

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Weight 10000.0 g
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British Art -Markers, Photography Collage -Transfusion #0


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